Usage & Examples

The usual -h flag shows you the different options that the tool accepts.

$ lega-cryptor -h
LocalEGA utilities for the cryptographic GA4GH standard.

   lega-cryptor [-hv] [--log <file>] list [-s <URL> | -p <path>]
   lega-cryptor [-hv] [--log <file>] encrypt [-r <recipient>] -s <URL> [-i <input>] [-o <output>]
   lega-cryptor [-hv] [--log <file>] encrypt [-r <recipient>] [-p <path>] [-i <input>] [-o <output>]
   lega-cryptor [-hv] [--log <file>] encrypt --pk <path> [-i <input>] [-o <output>]
   lega-cryptor [-hv] [--log <file>] decrypt --sk <path> [-i <input>] [-o <output>]
   lega-cryptor [-hv] [--log <file>] reencrypt --sk <path> --pk <path> [-i <input>] [-o <output>]
   lega-cryptor [-hv] [--log <file>] reencrypt --server <url> --keyid <secret> [-i <input>] [-o <output>]

   -h, --help             Prints this help and exit
   -v, --version          Prints the version and exits
   --log <file>           Path to the logger file (in YML format)
   -s <URL>, --server <URL>
                          Lists information about all keys in the keyserver
   -p <file>, --pubring <file>
                          Lists information about all keys in the pubring.
                          If not specified, a default pubring is used either from the
                          LEGA_PUBRING environment variable (if it exists) or as the one
                          supplied within this package.
   -r RECIPIENT           Encrypt for the given recipient [default:]
   --pk <keyfile>         Public PGP key to be used for encryption
   --sk <keyfile>         Private PGP key to be used for decryption
   --keyid <id>           Key ID used to retrieve the key material from the keyserver
   -i <file>, --input <file>
                          Input file. If not specified, it uses stdin
   -o <file>, --output <file>
                          Output file.  If not specified, it uses stdout

Environment variables:
   LEGA_LOG       If defined, it will be used as the default logger
   LEGA_PUBRING   If defined, it will be used as the default pubring

Finding which public key to use

$ lega-cryptor list
Available keys from [path redacted]/legacryptor/pubring.bin
║ Key ID           ║ User Name      ║ User Email          ║ User Comment                           ║
║ 783A1FDBD9899BBA ║ EGA Sweden     ║         ║ @NBIS                                  ║
║ F57E35FE22290D3A ║ EGA Finland    ║          ║ @CSC                                   ║
║ 3D214775952B5529 ║ EGA_Public_key ║ ║ Public key protected with a passphrase ║
║ 6148E9185EB5F733 ║ EGA CRG        ║          ║ @CRG                                   ║
The first substring that matches the requested recipient will be used as the encryption key
Alternatively, you can use the KeyID itself


The hereabove output might differ from your output. The associated public keyring is just used for the demo.

Creating a Custom Public Keyring

In order to create a custom Public keyring in a custom /path one can make use of:

gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /path/pubring.bin --import /path/

Repeat the process for multiple keys.


If one wants to encrypt a file, say, for the Swedish Local EGA instance:

$ lega-cryptor encrypt -r Sweden < inputfile > outputfile

or equivalently,

$ lega-cryptor encrypt -r < inputfile > outputfile
$ lega-cryptor encrypt -r 783A1FDBD9899BBA < inputfile > outputfile
$ lega-cryptor encrypt -r Sweden -i inputfile -o outputfile