Source code for legacryptor.crypt4gh

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Crypt4GH Encryption/Decryption"""

# Note: We don't convert the bytes to int, because we are actually ignoring those records.
# I'm not sure they are any useful.

import os
import sys
import io
import logging
import hashlib

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
import pgpy # Simply used to encrypt/decrypt the records, all in memory.

from . import __version__
from .exceptions import InvalidFormatError, VersionError, MDCError

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

##         Crypt4GH header

MAGIC_NUMBER = b'crypt4gh'

class Record():
    def __init__(self, session_key, iv, plaintext_start=0, plaintext_end=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, ciphertext_start=32, counter_offset=0, method=0):
        self.plaintext_start = plaintext_start
        self.plaintext_end = plaintext_end
        self.ciphertext_start = ciphertext_start
        self.counter_offset = counter_offset
        self.method = method
        self.session_key = session_key
        self.iv = iv

    def __str__(self):
        return f'<Record {self.plaintext_start}|{self.plaintext_end}|{self.ciphertext_start}|{self.counter_offset}|{self.method}>'

    def __bytes__(self):
        return (
            self.plaintext_start.to_bytes(8,'little')  +  # 8 bytes
            self.plaintext_end.to_bytes(8,'little')    +  # 8 bytes
            self.ciphertext_start.to_bytes(8,'little') +  # 8 bytes
            self.counter_offset.to_bytes(8,'little')   +  # 8 bytes
            self.method.to_bytes(4,'little')           +  # 4 bytes
            self.session_key                           +  # 32 bytes
            self.iv                                       # IV (16 big-endian bytes)

    def new(cls, stream):
        plaintext_start = int.from_bytes(stream[:8],'little')
        del stream[:8]
        plaintext_end = int.from_bytes(stream[:8],'little')
        del stream[:8]
        ciphertext_start = int.from_bytes(stream[:8],'little')
        del stream[:8]
        counter_offset = int.from_bytes(stream[:8],'little')
        del stream[:8]
        method = int.from_bytes(stream[:4],'little')
        del stream[:4]
        session_key = bytes(stream[:32])
        del stream[:32]
        iv = bytes(stream[:16])
        del stream[:16]
        obj = cls(session_key, iv,
                  plaintext_start, plaintext_end, ciphertext_start, counter_offset, method)
        return obj

##         AES engine for encryption/decryption.
##             including a sha256 checksum for plaintext
##                       a sha256 checksum for ciphertext

def cryptor(session_key, nonce, method=None):
    '''Generator that takes a block of data as input and encrypts/decrypts it as output.

    The encryption/decryption algorithm is AES (in CTR mode), using the given session key and nonce.

    The output includes 2 sha256 checksums appended to the file.
    ''''Starting the cipher engine (AES-256-CTR)')
    backend = default_backend()
    cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(session_key), modes.CTR(nonce), backend=backend)

    aes_func = getattr(cipher, method, None)
    if aes_func is None:
        raise ValueError(f'Cipher incorrectly initialized: {method}')
    aes = aes_func()

    chunk = yield
    while True:
        data = bytes(aes.update(chunk))
        chunk = yield data
        if chunk is None: # Final chunk. Expunging.
            yield aes.finalize()
            break # Not really needed, since we won't advance the generator anymore

[docs]def encrypt(pubkey, infile, infilesize, outfile, chunk_size=4096): """Encrypt."""'Loading an encryption engine') session_key = os.urandom(32) # for AES-256 # LOG.debug(f'session key: {session_key.hex().upper()}') nonce = os.urandom(16) # LOG.debug(f' CTR nonce: {nonce.hex().upper()}')'Creating Crypt4GH header') header = Header() LOG.debug('Adding a record') header.add_record(Record(session_key, nonce, plaintext_end=infilesize or 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)) header_bytes = header.encrypt(pubkey) outfile.write(header_bytes) LOG.debug('Make room for the SHA256 MDC') outfile.write((0).to_bytes(32, byteorder='big')) LOG.debug("Streaming content") mdc = hashlib.sha256() engine = cryptor(session_key, nonce, method='encryptor') next(engine) chunk1 = while True: mdc.update(chunk1) encrypted_data = engine.send(chunk1) outfile.write(encrypted_data) chunk2 = if not chunk2: # Finally, if chunk2 is empty final_data = engine.send(None) outfile.write(final_data) break chunk1 = chunk2 # Move chunk2 to chunk1, and let it read a new chunk2'Rewinding for the MDC'), io.SEEK_SET) # from start LOG.debug(f'MDC: {mdc.hexdigest().upper()}') outfile.write(mdc.digest())'Encryption Successful')
[docs]def get_header(infile): '''Extract header and advance file position to AES block.''''Deconstructing the Header') buf = bytearray(16) infile.readinto(buf) magic_number = buf[:8] if magic_number != MAGIC_NUMBER: raise InvalidFormatError() version = int.from_bytes(buf[8:12], byteorder='little') if version != __version__: raise VersionError(version) length = int.from_bytes(buf[12:16], byteorder='little') - 16 return (bytes(buf),
# That allows us to decrypt and: # - dump the output to a file # - not process the output (only checksum it internally) # - send it (in mem) to another quality control pass def do_nothing(data): pass def body_decrypt(record, infile, process_output=do_nothing, chunk_size=4096): # LOG.debug(f'session key: {record.session_key.hex().upper()}') # LOG.debug(f' CTR nonce: {record.iv.hex().upper()}') LOG.debug("Shifting to right cipher position") orgmdc = record.ciphertext_start -= 32,io.SEEK_CUR) LOG.debug("Streaming content") mdc = hashlib.sha256() engine = cryptor(record.session_key, record.iv, method='decryptor') next(engine) chunk1 = while True: data = engine.send(chunk1) mdc.update(data) process_output(data) chunk2 = if not chunk2: # Finally, if chunk2 is empty final_data = engine.send(None) mdc.update(final_data) process_output(final_data) break chunk1 = chunk2 # Move chunk2 to chunk1, and let it read a new chunk2 # Checking MDC computed_mdc = mdc.digest() LOG.debug(f'Computed MDC: {mdc.hexdigest().upper()}') LOG.debug(f'Original MDC: {orgmdc.hex().upper()}') if orgmdc != computed_mdc: # Should we erase the file? # Should we instead write the output to tempfile and then move it if successful? raise MDCError(computed_mdc, orgmdc)'Decryption Successful')
[docs]def decrypt(privkey, infile, process_output=do_nothing, chunk_size=4096): """Decrypt.""" assert privkey.is_unlocked, "The private key should be unlocked" assert chunk_size >= 32, "Chunk size larger than 32 bytes required" _, encrypted_part = get_header(infile) header = Header.decrypt(encrypted_part, privkey) # Only interested in the first record, for the moment r = header.records[0] # Decrypt the rest body_decrypt(r, infile, process_output=process_output, chunk_size=chunk_size)
def reencrypt_header(pubkey, privkey, encrypted_part): '''Given the encrypted part of the header, re-encrypts it and returns a new header The private key should be unlocked.''' assert privkey.is_unlocked, "The private key should be unlocked" return Header.decrypt(encrypted_part, privkey).encrypt(pubkey)
[docs]def reencrypt(pubkey, privkey, infile, process_output=do_nothing, chunk_size=4096): '''Extract header and update with another one The AES encrypted part is only copied''' assert privkey.is_unlocked, "The private key should be unlocked" assert chunk_size >= 32, "Chunk size larger than 32 bytes required" _, encrypted_part = get_header(infile) header_bytes = reencrypt_header(pubkey, privkey, encrypted_part) process_output(header_bytes)'Streaming the remainer of the file') while True: data = if not data: break process_output(data)'Reencryption Successful')
[docs]def get_key_id(header): """Retrieve KeyID.""" msg = pgpy.PGPMessage.from_blob(header) for one in msg.encrypters: return one return None
[docs]def header_to_records(privkey, header, passphrase): """Extracting header from record."""'Extracting header from record') privkey,_ = pgpy.PGPKey.from_blob(privkey) with privkey.unlock(passphrase) as seckey: return Header.decrypt(header, seckey).records
if __name__ == '__main__': filename = sys.argv[1] with open(filename, 'rb') as infile: header = get_header(infile) print(get_key_id(header))